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TF Rotary Centennial History
by Stuart Taylor as of 1-26-55
In January 1918, a committee of the Salt Lake City, Utah Rotary Club took a trip to Idaho to promote Rotary in this part of the country. At that time, the Boise club was the only Rotary Club, at least in southern Idaho*
Among the places visited by this committee was Twin Falls, where a committee of local businessmen was formed to study the Rotary situation here. This committee consisted of the following five persons:
E. A. Walters, Attorney at Law
L. L. Breckenridge, Mgr. [iii Falls Flour Mills
L. T. Wright, Mgr. Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co. G. B. Channel, Nibley Channel Lumber Co.
W. H. Eldridge., Eldridge Clothing Co.
Of this committee, two are living at the present time Mr. Walters and Mr. Wright.
Invitations to join the Twin Falls Rotary Club were accepted by .22 Twin Falls business men, and on February 7, 1918, in the Commercial Club rooms, the Twin Falls Rotary Club was formed with 20 members present. By-laws were adopted, the five organization committee members were named directors to the end of the Rotary year and the following officers were elected:
Centennial Intro - Governor Otter

E A. Walters, President
W. H. Eldridge, Vice-president
Stuart H. Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer-
'The original roster of the club was as follows-,.
R. B. King, Idaho, Power Co., Electric Power Distribution
A. G.• Fisher, Fisher Drug Co., Drug Retail
B. B. Williams, Perrine Hotel, Hotels.
A. Ostrander, Ostrander & Macauley, Retail Furniture
G. R. Easley, Automobile sales, retail
J. S. Keel, Real Estate
C. J. Hahn, Trust Company executive
E. A. Walters, Attorney at law
Stuart H. Taylor, Insurance service.
W. R.-Priebe, Retail jewelry
H. E. Barber, Shoes Retail sales.......
W. H. Eldridge, Clothing, Retail sales
Larry Gaas, Office supplies, retail It.
R.A. Read, Newspaper publishing.
L. B. Salladay, Retail hardware
C. R. Channel, Retail lumber.
L. T. Wright, Retail farm machinery,
A. J. Peavey, Abstracting & title service
L. Le, Brecknridgé, Flour manufacturing
J. H. Maxwell, Commercial banking
A. L. Swim, Mortgage loans
Sam Hart, Dry goods retail
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