Check out our New Community Project Below.
The Rotary Club of Twin Falls' current local Community Project is the upgrading and remodeling of the bathrooms at Frontier Park. It serves the Cal Ripkin and Babe Ruth baseball and softball leagues. 3,000 kids from the Boys and Girls Club. And forthcoming 12 pickleball courts, playground equipment, and a pavilion for family and community events. As well as the National Guard who conducts its drills at the park.
Rotary canceled its largest fundraiser, Death by Chocolate, due to Covid and its variants and is looking for community support for this project. If you are a business, past sponsor of Rotary fundraisers or enjoy the use of the park and would like to help financially, please donate below.
If you would like to become a part of the project, please contact Jill Skeem at 208-320-2786, jill@jillskeem.com or Kevin Bradshaw at 202-212-0265, kevinbradshaw26@gmail.com.
TF Rotary
Frontier Park Restroom Community Project
Frontier Park Restroom Presentation - Jill Skeem

Current 50 Year
Outdated Bathroom

New Design
Updated Bathroom
View Fly Thru Below
Exterior Fly-Thru

Interior Fly-Thru
Click on Picture to bring up PDF
Make Your Donation today to help complete this project by the end of the 3rd quarter
Donation Partners
Click on Plan to bring up a PDF file
Sponsorship Levels
•Platinum - $25,000 & Up
•Gold - $20,000
•Silver - $15,000
•Bronze - 10, 000
•Copper - $5000
•Patio - $1000
•Water Fountain and Bottle Filler - $5,000
Current Donations
•St. Luke's
•2. Rolig Law Office
•3. Stephan, Kvanvig, Stone & Trainor
•4.Title Fact
•5. Idaho Power
•6. US Bank
•7. Pickleball Association of Twin Falls
•8. Edward Jones
•9. Title One
•10. First Federal Grant
11. Boy's & Girl's Club of MV
12. Idaho Forest Group
13. Bill & Donna Kyle
14. Gregg Middlekauff
Business Helping To-Date
• 1. Catalyst Architecture
• 2. Gem State Paper & Supply Co.
• 3. Laughlin Ricks Architecture
• 4. Magic Valley Printing
• 5. New Leaf Properties
• 6. Western Waste Services
• 7. PBC - Petersen Brothers Construction
• 8 petruzzelli Electric
• 9. Kevin Bradshaw/ 3 star Production
10. Twin Falls County
12. Brizee Heatiing & Cooling
Death by Chocolate
This Year we are canceling Death by Chocolate
Due to concerns of Covid-19 and other variants.
We look forward to returning next year on February 3rd, 2023.

Rotary is a Service Organization working to help make a better community.
Programs 2022
Programs 2022
Hunt Camp - Her Parents Story - Amy Rhoads
Brad Wills - Talks about Property Taxes
June 15th Sheriff Carter
Clara-Leigh Evans FFA v14